Lead Student Designer.

One of the most formidable experiences I had while attending Ouachita Baptist University, was when I had the opportunity to work in the Office of Communication and Marketing as a student designer. I learned about working within a brands guidelines as well as with clients, taking constructive criticism, quick-learning, being in a fast-paced environment, and how to utilize my strengths within an organization. This page shows only a few of the projects and responsibilities I was given in this role.

Below is the biggest project I worked on in the office. A large banner welcoming prospective and incoming students, parents and faculty throughout the year and hangs in the central part of campus to this day.

Tiger Serve Day.

Senior Year, I was given the task to create an illustrated version of the OBU mascot for Tiger Serve Day Banners and Advertisements around the school.

Tiger Serve Day is an event that happens one Saturday out of every semester that OBU’s Ben W. Elrod Center for Family and Community organizes for students to go help those in need. This can include helping the elderly do yard work or cleaning their house, picking up trash on roadsides or parks, cleaning community members roofs, and generally doing what we can to give back to the people who support the students at OBU.

OBU Writing Program.

This was a project commissioned to the OCM by the Dean of the English department. They wanted to show that students with all different majors, minors, and hobbies can share a love for writing. I worked on this project in tandem with Ashley Carozza, and current Ouachita graphic design student, Carly Carozza.

Mini Projects:

Below are a few greeting cards, holiday cards, and miscellaneous projects I created during the time I worked in the OCM.


Published Works


Invisible Bar