The Invisible Bar is a project I was given my senior year at OBU in a Brand Packaging and Design class. This class was only required for a Bachelors of Fine Arts, but I had an interest to learn more about design so I decided to add it to my schedule. I’m thankful I made that decision as it is probably one of the most important (if not the most important) class I’ve taken about graphic design. In this class I learned to redesign logos, redesign brands, and create a brand entirely from scratch.


The Invisible Bar is a restaurant that capitalizes on fine dining with a twist. To eat at their establishment is to eat in the dark, allowing taste to be the only representation of their culinary experience.

The Target audience is for adults ranging from mid-twenties and onward. It is an aesthetic experience that only adults could truly appreciate and is geared towards those who are willing to choose an unusual but thrilling dining experience.

With this identity system, The Invisible Bar wants to create a rich experience uninhibited by sight. The goal is to allow the consumer to be immersed in darkness so that they’re able to truly experience fine dining for the first time. Without the dependence on sight to distract from good company and strong tastes, The Invisible Bar’s goal is to remain one of the most up and coming restaurants to date.



